Summer Research Fellowships 2024


  • Registered UC Davis graduate students in good standing (MA and PhD students are eligible).
  • NOT received prior HIA Summer Fellowship funding.
  • Must NOT have advanced to doctoral candidacy by the application deadline.
  • HIA research awards are for pre-dissertation field research. The grants range from $1000 to $2,500.


Fall Quarter 2023

FALL QUARTER DATES: September 24–December 7, 2023 INSTRUCTOR: Cecilia Colombi (

In this high‐impact quarter abroad program in Mendoza, you will not only study in one of the finest universities in Argentina, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, you will also immerse yourself in the culture and study Spanish while living with a host family.

Summer Research Fellowships 2023


  • Registered UC Davis graduate students in good standing (MA and PhD students are eligible)
  • NOT received prior HIA Summer Fellowship funding
  • HIA research awards are for pre-dissertation field research; they are not to be used for advanced dissertation research. The grantsrange from $500 to $2,000.


Summer Research Fellowships 2021

Summer Research Fellowships At HIA, we are disappointed that graduate students will not be able to engage in summer travel for international research. To make sure that students continue to receive support that will help them to make progress toward their dissertations, we have decided to offer fellowships for alternative research plans that include a Latin American or hemispheric component. These will range from $500 to $1,500 and must be used in Summer 2021.

Native American courses offered in Spring Quarter 2021

Three excellent courses Native American courses being offered this Spring Quarter 2021 : NAS 184 Contemporary Indigenous Literature of Mexico, NAS 202 Andean Knowledges, NAS 123 Native Foods and Farming of the Americas