Michael Lazzara

Position Title

  • Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies
606 Sproul Hall

Ph.D., Princeton University 


  • Contemporary Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies

  • Literature, Culture, and Politics of the Southern Cone

  • Chile, Argentina, Peru

  • Revolutions, Dictatorships, Transitions to Democracy

  • Memory Studies

  • Trauma, Violence

  • Human Rights

  • Film Studies, particularly Documentary Film


  • A monographic study that seeks to understand memory configurations of children of perpetrators of and collaborators with political violence in Chile, Argentina, and Peru (in progress).

  • How the Military Remembers: Countermemories of the Cold War in Latin America. Co-edited with Cynthia E. Milton (in progress).

  • Los futuros de la memoria: hacia una redefinición de los derechos y los usos del pasado en las democracias latinoamericanas. Co-edited with Fernando A. Blanco (under contract with University of North Carolina Press/ A Contracorriente, in progress).

  • Translation and edition of José Carlos Agüero’s Los rendidos. Co-edited with Charles F. Walker (in progress).