Position Title
- Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies
Ph.D., Princeton University
Contemporary Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies
Literature, Culture, and Politics of the Southern Cone
Chile, Argentina, Peru
Revolutions, Dictatorships, Transitions to Democracy
Memory Studies
Trauma, Violence
Human Rights
Film Studies, particularly Documentary Film
A monographic study that seeks to understand memory configurations of children of perpetrators of and collaborators with political violence in Chile, Argentina, and Peru (in progress).
How the Military Remembers: Countermemories of the Cold War in Latin America. Co-edited with Cynthia E. Milton (in progress).
Los futuros de la memoria: hacia una redefinición de los derechos y los usos del pasado en las democracias latinoamericanas. Co-edited with Fernando A. Blanco (under contract with University of North Carolina Press/ A Contracorriente, in progress).
Translation and edition of José Carlos Agüero’s Los rendidos. Co-edited with Charles F. Walker (in progress).